
Earthworks track 2

In the first half of August, work resumed at Bauche station. This important phase of the work consisted in preparing part of the future trackbed for track 2, in order, among other things, to be able to access the Bauche Yvoir quarries section with site vehicles.

Historically, the Bauche station had been converted to single track, and even later the restaurant's former owner had built a terrace on the old tracks.

To prepare the track bed, we had to remove and move a very large quantity of excess cubic meters of fill (earth, concrete, iron and metal). It was a surprise to see what had been deposited in this space.

The future Bauche station will have a different appearance from the original. In fact, the presence of a Fluxys gas pipeline prevents us from building two adjacent tracks with two outside platforms. We must therefore build a central platform and place the future track 2 on the site of the old platform. As a result, the old platform edges have to be removed.

This work is complex, and in addition to the site aspect, it requires the intervention or advice of several parties, including Fluxys. We therefore work in accordance with the required safety regulations and under their supervision.


Despite all this hard work, the target was reached on August 13, just before the festival.

We still have to make the access road suitable for site machinery and continue the work towards Yvoir.


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