Track and building-related work and development
New equipment theft at Dorinnes!
Our association deplores yet another theft of equipment on its Dorinnes line. During track work, the team was stunned to discover that the reserve wagon had been completely emptied, including spare parts and equipment specific to track maintenance. This theft was particularly discouraging and distressing, as the stolen equipment was destined for track work scheduled to take place before the start of the season. This delay is all the more regrettable in that it is likely to have an impact on the schedule for other planned work. Although the market value of the scrap is low, the loss in terms of spare parts is considerable, if not inestimable. These parts,...
Scan of the Yvoir tunnel
On September 18, Amberg Engineering came to scan the Yvoir tunnel. This type of scan will give us a 3D view of the tunnel's condition. Thanks to the data collected, the ASBL will be able to estimate and assess the work required. This is a great moment for the ASBL, as this invisible step will determine the schedule for future tunnel rehabilitation work, which is necessary before we can reach Yvoir station.
Clearing embankments
As part of the maintenance of our line, we have to check our engineering structures and embankments. Given the age of these structures, particular attention must be paid to them. We're going to have to reload the earth in certain places, but before we can carry out the operation, we'll need to use a surveyor to assess the extent of the work. While the work is not urgent, it does require a great deal of preparation and anticipation, so as not to find ourselves in a difficult situation at an unexpected moment. A few volunteers are doing the thankless job of clearing the undergrowth needed for the surveys. Clearing the undergrowth can sometimes be difficult. This invisible work is essential for...
Studies for the Yvoir tunnel are about to begin!
After a long period of analysis and administrative work, preparatory work for the Yvoir tunnel studies began on August 16. Thanks to the unfailing commitment of a team of volunteers and close collaboration with the Yvoir quarries, the site is now ready to welcome the Swiss experts. They will use innovative analysis techniques to assess the condition of the infrastructure and define a detailed work plan. This marks a turning point in the restoration of this railway heritage. The results of these studies will make it possible to draw up the outlines of an ambitious project, in line with the principles of sustainable development and heritage enhancement...
Creation of a lorry-guide
The earthworks on track 2 at Bauche station were made easier by the creation of a lorry-guide by one of our volunteers. Thanks to this ingenious set-up, 2 volunteers (a crane operator and a dumper driver), relayed by 2 other volunteers, were enough for the job. The lorry-guide replaced the use of a laser or spotting scope with a graduated pole, enabling the crane operator to concentrate on the earthwork, instead of regularly stepping out of his cab to measure the depth of the earthwork. As the platform had to be 30 cm higher than the top of the rail, it was important to dig the platform...
Earthworks track 2
In the first half of August, work resumed at Bauche station. This important phase of the work consisted in preparing part of the future trackbed for track 2, in order, among other things, to be able to access the Bauche Yvoir quarries section with site vehicles. Historically, the Bauche station had been turned back into a single track, and even later the former owner of the restaurant had built a terrace on the old tracks. To prepare the track bed, we had to remove and move a very large quantity of excess cubic meters of backfill (earth, concrete, iron and metal). It was quite a surprise...