About us

-- The Board of Directors --

Benoit Van Asten

Benoit Van Asten

Christine Van Heertum

Christine Van Heertum

Cédric Soltys

Cédric Soltys

Festival and rail marshalling
Simon De Ridder

Simon De Ridder

Journeys on the network
Clément Scholl

Clément Scholl

Rétrotrain Saint Ghislain
Aymeric Romain

Aymeric Romain

Museum tourist line
Valéry Napen

Valéry Napen

Romain Dilen

Romain Dilen

Publications and reviews

-- Vision - Mission - Values--

Each object from the past has its own history and personality. It allows us to explore our history while opening a window on our future.


A future in which Belgium's railway heritage is recognized as an essential part of our history and a source of enriching tourist experiences, contributing to the sustainable development of our regions.


Preserve, restore and promote Belgium's railway heritage in all its forms (rolling stock, infrastructure, archives, know-how), making it accessible to the public through tourist, cultural and educational activities, and collaborating with the relevant stakeholders.


  • Passion: A deep commitment to railway heritage and history.

  • Expertise: The constant quest for quality in heritage restoration and presentation.

  • Sharing: The desire to pass on the knowledge and emotion of railway heritage to as many people as possible.

  • Collaboration: Working in partnership with other players in the sector (associations, public authorities, companies).

  • Sustainability: Taking environmental and social issues into account in all our actions.

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